Friday, 9 August 2013

Primark Haul!

Helloo! :)

Recently I have been loving Primark, I feel every time I go in they have so much stuff I just fall in love with, and with the amount of times I have popped in for a sneak peak I come out with one (or shamefully two) huge bags! xD

The excuse I use is when you see something in there you need to get it because by the time you go back it will be gone!

The clothes shown below are a tiny amount of what I have bought in the last few months, but these are my favourites out of the bunch.

Electric Blue Jeggings
These jeggings are honestly the most comfiest pants I own. They are so stretchy but still look like a thick pair of jeans. Plus for £7 yes that's right £7 you could buy all the range for the same price as a pair of jeans from Topshop. I always have been put off jeggings because I think they are cheap looking and short lasting however even though they are labelled jeggins I would class them more as a soft jean.
Magenta Pencil Skirt 

This pencil skirt only cost me £5! I have never owned one before so I didn't want to buy a really expensive one just incase I couldn't pull it off. So this was a perfect price for me to pay because if I really didn't like it I wouldn't be gutted at wasting my monies.

Navy Blue Blouse
I adore the cut out on this blouse, I think it is so flattering especially with the bow at the top. It was only £8 which is a bargin. I find the way it hangs on the body is perfect to it floats past your belly so with a pair of skinny jeans it is very slimming. The only thing I would say is the sizes are bigger than usual so maybe buy a size smaller unless you want the blouse really flowy.

A Pastel Floral Blouse

As you can see I love a blouse I think they are so feminine, especially with the pastel florals. I first saw this on a Youtube Video with EssieButton, and I was instantly like I need that in my wardrobe. So I got it! Haha :D
A Burnt Orange Bag
I was in Manchester yesterday when I spotted this, my friend was pursuading me to get it because I was being indecisive as to whether I needed it but you cannot have too many bags can you xD As you can see it is very spacious so it will be ideal for University, because it's stylish and versatile.

Coral Maxi Skirt 
I bought this £10 maxi skirt once again for a trial to see whether I liked it and to see if I suited it. I love it for a summer outfit with a vest top and a waste belt :D

A Printed Dress
I love this dress! It is so flattering and the way it nips you in at the waist and i think it is the perfect length, just above the knee not too high and not too low. They still have it in stock and in a few prints for £8 so get your hands on it.
Cotton Emerald Green Dress

These dresses are everywhere and I am sure everyone has got one since they sold them in every shade under the sun and for £5 it is great for a throw on over a bikini.
Floral Red Dress

I first saw this dress being worn by Kate Middleton's Hairdresser the day Kate was being released from Hospital after the birth of her baby boy. It looked quite expensive until I realised where it was from! ASOS featured it on their website too. For £13 I think it is a must have! 

I hope you enjoyed looking at some of the clothes I have recently purchased. I think Primark has really improved on their clothing range, yes the price has increased a little bit but you can really see how much higher the quality of clothing is, in my opinion I would rather pay that little bit extra knowing that it will last longer. 

Thankyou for sparing your time to read my post I really appreciate it :)


  1. Beautiful blog - I adore the way you write!

    Followed! :)

    Collette xxx

    1. Aww thankyou! That really means a lot :) I'll look at your blog now :D xxx

  2. Lovely haul xxx
