Monday, 5 August 2013

No7 Review

I have never really indulged into No7 products, because I thought for a Boots own brand it was quite expensive especially as you can get similar products elsewhere for a much cheaper price. Anyway the other day I was minding my own business in Boots just having a gander around the beauty sections when this flamboyant man came prancing towards me flapping a leaflet saying "come and get your foundation colour matched today!" I was like oooh why not...

So I went and he put this handheld machine/console towards my face it bleeped a few times and then that was it it figured out my skin colour and linked a foundation to match! A pretty nifty gadget really. Just to add they have over 17 skin colour foundations available so whatever skin colour you are they will have a foundation to match you.

Here are all the shades available 

I was the colour shade "Calico" which to add is the lightest shade possible, I really need a tan so I don't look as pale :( but it was a perfect match. I was really impressed. He was really nice and made me laugh quite a bit because whilst he was putting the foundation on my face he was saying he was trying to get the woman behind me as she looked like a tangoed umpa lumpa LOL!

He also showed me how to apply bronzer which was a great help because that is the one thing I really struggle with... I turn out like I have been in the mines digging out coal.

Here is my foundation shade "Calico" and the piece of paper shows what the colour actually looks like out of the bottle

Obviously he was trying to persude me into buying the product saying it is a premium brand etc... I was a bit hesitant whether to buy it because it was £14 which compared to Mac or Benefit is really isn't much but I couldn't resist especially with a free £30 goody bag if you buy any two products, so you could buy two nail polishes for £6 each and get the goody bag too!

I must say I am very impressed with the range and sizes of samples given, the mascara is amazing.
     Within the goody bag you get:        - a pearly pink eyeshadow
                                                     - a "coral kiss" lipgloss
                                                                             - a triple protection tinted moisturiser
                                         - a mascara
                                                                   - and finally a "airbrush primer"
I usually use the Rimmel "Wake Me Up" foundation in "true ivory" however now looking at the No7 colour liquid and the Rimmel colour liquid you can really see the difference No7 looks like a skin colour and Rimmel looks far too orange.

I can now say I've converted into using No7 products! They still have the goody bag offer available until Tuesday 6th August.. which is tomorrow so quick get yourself into Boots and get your freebies!

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